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WVOP: (912) 537-9202
WTCQ: (912) 538-9898
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Court Security

On February 13 and 14, the Toombs County Sheriff’s Office hosted training for Courthouse Security. The training was taught by Georgia Sheriff’s Association Training Division Program Coordinator Brent Loeffer,.  Staff from the Toombs County Sheriff’s Office and Detention Center, along with courthouse staff and other law enforcement agencies attended this training.

“Courthouses are vulnerable to acts of random violence; therefore, they must have proper court security procedures to protect the safety of the people and property within and around the courts and preserve the integrity of the judicial process,” said Toombs County Sheriff’s Office Capt. Jordan Kight. “Court security deputies must be fully prepared to respond appropriately to violent incidents.”

In addition to law enforcement and courthouse staff, civilian staff working in the courthouse participated in the training to help promote a concerted effort in the event of a security threat.

In 2005, tragic events at the Fulton County Courthouse in downtown Atlanta triggered a thorough review of courthouse security across the state. Georgia has taken steps to improve the safety and security of individuals working and visiting inside of Georgia’s courthouses and courthouse annexes.

A Georgia law enacted in 2006 requires Georgia Sheriffs to create written security pans for county courthouses.

“The Georgia Sheriffs’ Training Division staff will conduct on-site security surveys of our courthouse with a thorough report on measures to improve security of judicial buildings and the safety of individuals within,” Capt. Kight said. “By applying these measures, the Toombs County Sheriff’s Office is taking steps to raise awareness of security concerns and in doing so, protecting the lives and well-being of all individuals within the confines of the courthouse, which maintaining the integrity of the critical business that must be conducted daily.”

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    Kathy Hilt
