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12 7 21 BPC WL

DENVER, Colo. – A trio of Brewton-Parker Olympic Weightlifting student-athletes competed at the 2021 USA Weightlifting North American Open Finals over the weekend in Denver, Colorado.

Both Tayon Vereen and Nia Walker competed as individuals representing their local club from Savannah, Ga. while Amerie Daniels competed as an unaffiliated individual.

Vereen led the trio as he captured a gold medal in the 109kg+ category. He gathered his first senior meet title with a perfect 6-for-6 competition performance. Vereen snatched 155, 160, and 165 while also completing 195, 200, and 205 in the clean and jerk for a total of 370kg to secure the gold and a new personal best.

As for Walker in the 87kg+ class, she picked up bronze medal status with snatches of 90kg, 93kg, and 95k to pick up a new personal record. She then followed up with a clean and jerk of 117kg for a total of 212kg, a new personal best total.

Daniels competed in the 71kg category and recorded a total of 190kg for the event. She snatched 75kg and 78kg then followed with 107kg as well as 112 in the clean and jerk for the 190kg total.

(Courtesy of BPC Athletics)

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