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FAX: (912) 537-4477
WVOP: (912) 537-9202
WTCQ: (912) 538-9898
WYUM: (912) 538-1017

9 11 photo

Local Firefighters at the 9-11 Memorial at Partin Park last Saturday morning.

Twenty years to the minute that the second tower of the World Trade Center fell because of an act of terrorism against America, the people of Toombs County had the opportunity to gather at the site of the 9-11 Memorial at Partin Park Saturday morning.

Led and coordinated by the firefighters of Toombs County and other local fire departments, the brief service honored not only the civilians who died in New York, Pennsylvania and at The Pentagon that day, but also the First Responders who rushed in without hesitation and died as well as those who’ve lost their lives as a result of conditions, they encountered that fateful September day.

Michael Plowman, Pastor of Liberty Baptist Church in Lyons delivered an appropriate message Saturday morning, and patriotic music was provided by the Toombs County Schools Children’s Choir.

The 9-11 Memorial in Partin Park was the appropriate site to hold the ceremony; with five pieces of granite with four engraved with the message depicting that horrific day two decades ago, the fifth encompasses a piece of steel that once was a part of the thriving tower at the World Trade Center.

Meet The Staff

  • General Manager

    Listen to WVOP

    Jeff Raiford

  • Program Director

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    Bob Roberts, WTCQ

  • Program Director

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    Jim Perry, WYUM

  • Traffic / News Director


    Kathy Hilt
