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OFFICE: (912) 537-9203
FAX: (912) 537-4477
WVOP: (912) 537-9202
WTCQ: (912) 538-9898
WYUM: (912) 538-1017

SECCA EnrollmentFront Row - L to R Cherish Mobley - JROTC, Jaylin Tootle - Healthcare, Jisel Delgado - Cosmetology, Kamdyn Jarriel - Cosmetology

Back Row -L to R Lawson Lowe - Automotive, Marcos Lopez - Energy, Vick Moore - Energy, Jordan Johnson - Energy, John Sharpe - SECCA CEO and Director of High School Programs

Once again, Southeastern Early College and Career Academy (SECCA) has seen a significant increase in their enrollment.  632 students from Montgomery County High School, Treutlen High School, Toombs County High School, and Vidalia High School are taking advantage of classes offered by the career academy.  Students from the four school districts can take high school courses that are directly relevant to their career and educational goals.  Seven pathways are offered at SECCA:  Automotive, Cosmetology Energy, Healthcare, JROTC, Unmanned Flight (Drone), and Teaching As a Profession (TAP).   The expansion of relevant educational opportunities for all students have had a positive impact on student achievement, graduation rates, career outcomes for students, and the overall economic development of our community.  According to John Sharpe, SECCA CEO and Director of High School Programs, "We appreciate the opportunity to work with our area schools who are very supportive of our efforts. Our staff has worked hard to fulfill our mission to build SECCA's capacity to produce work-ready students." 

Meet The Staff

  • General Manager

    Listen to WVOP

    Jeff Raiford

  • Program Director

    Listen to WTCQ

    Bob Roberts, WTCQ

  • Program Director

    Listen to WYUM

    Jim Perry, WYUM

  • Traffic / News Director


    Kathy Hilt
