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Veterans Service Flags

Local veterans post the flags of each branch of the service: United States Navy; United States Air Force; United States Marine Corps; United States Army; United States Coast Guard; and United States Space Force.

Veterans of all branches of the Armed Forces in the Vidalia area were treated to the annual Veteran’s Day Luncheon sponsored by the Downtown Vidalia Association last Friday in the Vidalia Community Center. The tradition began many years ago, and the current Executive Director Tonya Parker says it’s very important to keep the recognition ongoing.

“It’s vital that we let these veterans know that their sacrifices are appreciated,” Parker said. “This is one small thing we can do to say, ‘thank you’ for their service and to let them know they are appreciated.”

Parker says she believes that teaching young people of today’s generation the value of what these service members have offered for their country is crucial.

“Patriotism today is different than it used to be,” she said. “But young people need to know what these men and women have done. Unfortunately, many of those here at this luncheon are of aging and we can’t let the life lessons they’ve learned in service be forgotten.”

One local group of young men and women are already learning those lessons and continuing in the military tradition.

“Today we had the Thunderbolt Regiment of the JROTC Posting and Retrieving the Colors as well as serve the meals to the veterans at their tables,” she said. “This is a wonderful group to have in our community and they are always willing to participate.”

Another group willing to help each Veterans Day are the volunteers who help coordinate the event.

“I always say, ‘It takes a village,” and I’m so thankful for the ‘village” that I have,” Parker said. “They know the value of the veterans in this community so getting folks around the area to help with the luncheon is no problem and I appreciate their help so much.”

Friday’s Annual Veteran’s Day recognition ended as it traditionally has: the playing of Taps.

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