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The atmosphere at the entrance to the Vidalia Regional Airport Monday night may have sounded like a party, but it actually was, was citizens who wanted to show their appreciation to the hundreds of visiting linemen, tree removal experts and others who came into the area after the hurricane to help in the community.

As the crews began to roll in to the airport, where they have had tents pitched and less-than-stellar accommodations since Helene devastated the community, they were greeted by citizens from a few months old to those young at heart waving signs of appreciation, raising cheers, and yelling, "THANK YOU!" Many of those who stood by the road are themselves still without power.

One enthusiastic lady said, "I'm not worried about it; I know they'll get to it as soon as they can. I just appreciated everything they have done for our area."

At the entrance of the airport, the Vidalia High School band, Soundtribe, played uplifting music. The appreciation of the linemen could be witnessed as they drove through the lines by the smiles on their faces with some video the drive.

"This is who Toombs County is," Mayor Doug Roper said. "We are resilient. This hurricane may have changed our landscape, but not who we are. I am so proud of our citizens tonight as they show these guys how much we appreciate all they've done. I mean, if this doesn't touch bring a tear to your eye, there's something wrong!"

Lindsey Wiggins of toombstrong.com reported at the briefing Tuesday morning that she had spoken with a lineman Monday night who told her had worked many outages and storm relief ventures over 41 years and this was the first time he had seen civilian appreciation of this magnitude.

"We'll get back; we'll be better," Mayor Roper said. "We ARE #toombsstrong!"

(NOTE: At this time, the Internet at the station remains down, but pictures from the event will be added to this story as soon as we have online access."

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    Jeff Raiford

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    Bob Roberts, WTCQ

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    Jim Perry, WYUM

  • Traffic / News Director


    Kathy Hilt
