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Courtney Wilkes 4C 1

In June 2011, 15-year-old Courtney Wilkes of Toombs County was brutally murdered while she was on vacation with her family in Florida. As an outcome of this extremely bad situation, the Vidalia® Onion Business Council has established the Courtney Wilkes Memorial Agriculture and Veterinary Scholarship to be granted annually to a select, qualifying senior graduating from any recognized high school within the Vidalia onion growing region. The scholarship award of $1,000 was first awarded in 2012 and has been given each year since. It is the desire of the Vidalia onion industry that the scholarship should serve as a positive tribute to this bright, friendly young woman.

Courtney was a rising junior at Toombs County High School and number one in her class academically. She was an officer of FFA, star soccer player, and devout Christian. She was an outdoor enthusiast described by all who knew her as infectiously cheerful and who offered to everyone around her a bright smile and silly jokes. She loved animals and aspired to be a veterinarian. Among other prerequisites, applicants must be enrolled in an agriculture or veterinary track.

This scholarship will be awarded to a student possessing characteristics and interests like those of Courtney Wilkes. With her enthusiasm for life and quirky sense of humor, she touched the hearts and lives of so many people in the Vidalia community. To them, she will always be much more than a name attached to a scholarship check.

This press release issued by the Vidalia Onion Business Council.

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