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OFFICE: (912) 537-9203
FAX: (912) 537-4477
WVOP: (912) 537-9202
WTCQ: (912) 538-9898
WYUM: (912) 538-1017

The following are closings and schedule changes for this week.  This list will be updated as more information is made available.

Vidalia City Hall will open at 8:30 am on Tuesday, January 21st and close at lunch due to impending inclement weather.  Vidalia City Hall will be closed on Wednesday, January 22nd due to inclement weather and will re-open at 8:30 am on Thursday, January 23rd.

The Toombs County Board of Commissioners have moved their Regularly Schedule Meeting for January 21, 2025 to Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 5:30 PM.

Toombs County Schools will dismiss early at 2:00 pm on Tuesday, January 21st to allow buses to be off the roads ahead of the incoming weather.  All schools will be closed to students and staff on Wednesday, January 22nd.  All extracurricular activities and events on Tuesday and Wednesday are cancelled.  Schools will resume normal school schedules and activities on Thursday, January 23rd.

Vidalia City Schools will dismiss early at 2:00 pm on Tuesday and remain closed on Wednesday.  Also, all extracurricular activities for Tuesday and Wednesday have been rescheduled or canceled.  Classes will resume on Thursday January 23rd as scheduled unless conditions warrant differently.

Robert Toombs Christian Academy will dismiss early at 2:00 pm on Tuesday, January 21st for all students with no afterschool activities including afterschool care.  RTCA will remain closed on Wednesday.  Normal school activities are expected to resume on Thursday.

Vidalia Heritage Academy will dismiss at 2:00 pm on Tuesday. There will be no afterschool care or extracurricular activities. All students and staff should exit the campus by 2:20 pm.  VHA will be closed on Wednesday and return to normal operations on Thursday.  
Emanuel County Schools will dismiss early on Tuesday to allow buses to be off the roads ahead of the incoming weather. 
-11:50 AM- Pre-K/ELC
-12:00 PM - Special Education Bus Students/Alternative School/RiverQuest
-12:15 PM - Primary and Elementary Schools
-12:30 PM - Middle and High School Students
We will be closed to students and staff on Wednesday, January 22. All extracurricular activities and events on January 21 and January 22 are cancelled. Schools will resume all normal school schedules and activities on Thursday, January 23. 

Treutlen County Schools will operate on a half-day schedule on Tuesday, January 21st and will dismiss at 12:00. School will be closed on Wednesday, January 22nd for all staff and students.  Additionally, all extracurricular activities scheduled for both days are cancelled.

Wheeler County Schools will dismiss at 1:30 pm on Tuesday, 1/21. Schools will be closed on Wednesday, 1/22, due to the incoming winter storm. All after-school activities are canceled for both days.

Telfair County Schools will be closed for all students and staff on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, and Wednesday, January 22, 2025.  Extra-curricular activities are cancelled for both days.

Candler County Schools will hold classes on Tuesday, with an early dismissal at 2:00 PM to ensure all bus-riding students are home by approximately 4:00 PM. All afterschool activities are cancelled for Tuesday and Wednesday, January 21-22.

Johnson County Schools will have a Virtual Learning Day, Tuesday January 21 and Wednesday January 22. All staff and students will participate virtually at home. There will be no after school activities during this time.

Appling County Schools announced that schools will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday this week.

Bacon County Schools will transition to early release on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. On Wednesday, January 22, 2025, Bacon County Schools will close.

On Tuesday, January 21, Claxton Middle, Claxton High, and The Academy plan to dismiss at 1:00 p.m.; Claxton Elementary plans to dismiss at 1:30 p.m. There will be no school on Wednesday, January 22. Take-home and online learning materials will be shared with students.  Evans County Charter School System also said all after school activities, sports, meetings, and school sponsored events will be cancelled Tuesday and Wednesday.

Jeff Davis County schools will release one hour earlier than their normal dismissal times, Tuesday, January 21. All after-school activities scheduled for Tuesday afternoon are canceled.  Schools will also be closed for all staff and students on Wednesday, January 22, and no after-school activities will take place on Wednesday.

Dublin City school system will have at-home learning on Tuesday. Staff will work from home and all games, practices and extracurricular activities will be canceled for Tuesday.

Laurens County schools will release students at 12:30p Tuesday.  All staff can leave at 1:00p.  All schools and offices will be closed on Wednesday.  No afters chool activities either day.

Washington County Schools - Students will have at-home learning on Tuesday and Wednesday due to potential winter weather. 

Dodge County school district will have class on Tuesday, they'll dismiss early starting at 12 p.m. depending on grade. The school will be closed Wednesday.  All after-school activities are canceled on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Bulloch Academy will be open Tuesday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. All after-school activities, including daycare, are canceled. School will be closed Wednesday.

All Dooly County Schools will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday, January 21-22, 2025.

East Georgia State College - The Swainsboro campus will move to all remote work except for essential employees for Tuesday, January 21 and Wednesday, January 22.  This means all faculty should move their classes to an online format for these two days and all staff should be working regular hours and be available to their colleagues and students during those two days.  As always in emergency management situations, Statesboro and Augusta locations will follow guidance issued by those respective schools (Georgia Southern & Augusta University). 

Please note that road conditions can be hazardous. Keep your electronics fully charged in case of power outages, and let’s show each other grace and care as we get through this latest storm together.

Southeastern Technical College will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, and Wednesday, January 22 for students, faculty and staff.  A decision regarding opening on Thursday, January 23 will be announced on Wednesday afternoon.

Georgia Southern will be moving to remote operations for all campuses on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Employees should work remotely during these dates and faculty and staff should work with their supervisors. Classes will be online Tuesday and Wednesday.  All in-person events will be canceled while the university is under remote operations. 

Brewton Parker College is moving from in-seat to online classes for the entire week. Because there is a possibility of the loss of power, and very limited food services, we are closing housing to all except those who are unable to return home for various reasons. We know that snow is intriguing, and it sounds like an enjoyable time. However, if we lose power there will be no heat or power source of any kind on the campus with the exception of some limited power in the student center. It is not possible to predict how long the power could be out. Regardless, because of the treacherous nature of the ice and snow, only essential functions of the campus will be open.  If you are currently off campus due to the MLK holiday observance Monday, please remain in place if at all possible. If for some reason, you have no off-campus options for housing, you will need to let the housing director know of your need to stay by 3:00 P.M. Monday. Again, only hardship exceptions will be allowed. All other resident students are expected to vacate the dorms by 9 am on Tuesday.

Middle Georgia State College offices will be operating remotely on Tuesday, January 21. Faculty and staff will be working remotely and will be able to assist students by phone and email. Essential personnel, including public safety, will be on campus during this time. Face-to-face instruction will be moved to virtual.  The Recreation & Wellness Centers on the Macon and Cochran campuses will be closed on Tuesday. 

Oconee Fall Line Technical College has closed all three of its campuses on Tuesday and Wednesday ahead of potential winter weather.  

Central Georgia Technical College will move to virtual learning on Tuesday.  Faculty and staff will be working remotely but will be available through email or phone. However, essential personnel will be on campus. 

Emanuel County Georgia Farm Bureau will be closing at 2 on Tuesday, January 21 and will reopen on Thursday, January 23.

The Citizens Bank of Swainsboro will be closing our offices at 2 PM today (Tuesday) and plan to reopen tomorrow (Wednesday) at 12 PM. 

Meet The Staff

  • General Manager

    Listen to WVOP

    Jeff Raiford

  • Program Director

    Listen to WTCQ

    Bob Roberts, WTCQ

  • Program Director

    Listen to WYUM

    Jim Perry, WYUM

  • Traffic / News Director


    Kathy Hilt
