(L to R): Apparatus Operator Kris Owens; Lt. Justin Butry;, Capt. Robert Tillman; Vidalia Fire Chief Brian Sikes; Cameron Coleman; Jared Kirby, MHMH Chief Financial Officer; Asst Fire Chief Ben Allen; Samantha Walker, Director of Cancer Care Services; Firefighter K’leb Crapps; Samantha Sapp, Lead Radiation Therapist; and Amber Joyner, Nurse Practitioner.
The Vidalia Fire Department presented a check to the Tommy and Shirley Strickland Cancer Center on Thursday, February 29. The check was for $1,500.00 which was raised in October during the Community Partners at The Treehouse, The Sandwich Shop, Steeplechase, Café 292, and T-98.
“This was done by these locations allowing us to put pink boots in their stores,” explained Vidalia Fire Chief Brian Sikes. “These businesses also donated portions of their proceeds on particular nights.”