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Contact Information

OFFICE: (912) 537-9203
FAX: (912) 537-4477
WVOP: (912) 537-9202
WTCQ: (912) 538-9898
WYUM: (912) 538-1017

JDD Students

J.D. Dickerson Primary School Students of the Month for November have been recognized and include (back row, L to R):(back row, L to R): Rayson Fountain, Alex Hudson, Gary Robinson, Kinsley Johnson, Wynn Shirley, Alayah Roberts, Emma Downie, Jaycee Lowther, Georgia Mims; (middle row, L to R); Erric Johnson, Lee Harrison, Thearriah Hawkins, Nolan George, Kohen Parrish, Layla Butler, Idalia Herrera-Herrera; (front row, L to R): Logan Taylor, Harper Martin, Makinna Sanchez, J’amie Romero-Martinez, Leo Chamberlin, Liam Humphrey, and Kenneth Molina-Barrera. Not Pictured: Taylor Mainer, Alex Velazquez

Meet The Staff

  • General Manager

    Listen to WVOP

    Jeff Raiford

  • Program Director

    Listen to WTCQ

    Bob Roberts, WTCQ

  • Program Director

    Listen to WYUM

    Jim Perry, WYUM

  • Traffic / News Director


    Kathy Hilt
