Debbie O'Neal, Field Representative and U.S. Navy veterans stands with the Veterans' Tree in Lyons City Hall
As we approach Memorial Day next week, many Americans will be remembering those who died in service to the country. But the City of Lyons also remembers in a unique way those military members who are still among us.
The idea of that of Adela Santiago, a Customer Service Representative and Administrative Assistant at Lyons City Hall.
“We keep our Christmas tree up all year long at City Hall and decorate it for each holiday,” Santiago said, “so we had the idea to do something to show our appreciation for veterans to compliment the crosses of deceased veterans that have been erect on Victory Drive.
For Santiago and her coworker Meagan, the idea is personal.
“My brother is a veteran,” she said. “He served in the Marine in Afghanistan, and we want them to know they will never be forgotten.”
Santiago says the tree with nearly 300 names on it will remain visible in the lobby of the City Hall most likely through Veteran’s Day in November, and all veteran’s who served in any military war or conflict for the United States is invited to stop by and etch a wooden ornament that the City has with their name and branch of service and hang it along with other military comrades.
“I’m glad we did this,” Santiago declared. “We’ve had so many say ‘thank you,’ and we’re very proud to honor our military in this way.”