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Contact Information

OFFICE: (912) 537-9203
FAX: (912) 537-4477
WVOP: (912) 537-9202
WTCQ: (912) 538-9898
WYUM: (912) 538-1017
The Toombs County Sheriff’s Office has received calls from several citizens stating that they were contacted by a person who works for the Toombs County Sheriff’s Office. This person advises that there has been a warrant issued by the Toombs County Sheriff’s Office for their arrest. This person then tries to obtain payment information from the person they have called as to “avoid an arrest.”
This is a SCAM!
The Toombs County Sheriff’s Office does not contact/call citizens and provide payment options to avoid arrest. If there are any questions or concerns about the validity of a phone call from the Toombs County Sheriff’s Office, please call us at one of our non-emergency lines at (912) 526-6778 or (912) 526-9292 and we will verify the call in question. Please remember to never provide personal/financial information to any unknown persons over the phone. We ask that you share this post and spread the word to keep someone from becoming a victim.

Meet The Staff

  • General Manager

    Listen to WVOP

    Jeff Raiford

  • Program Director

    Listen to WTCQ

    Bob Roberts, WTCQ

  • Program Director

    Listen to WYUM

    Jim Perry, WYUM

  • Traffic / News Director


    Kathy Hilt
