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Abe with GovJPG

Gov. Brian Kemp speaks with Abe Glaser at thursday's meet-and-greet.

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, accompanied by his wife Marty and three daughters, came through Vidalia Thursday afternoon for a meet-and-greet at the Vidalia  Community Center, and the Governor brought good news which he shared with all in attendance including his plan to temporarily suspend the gas tax, implement pay raises for state employees, provide tax breaks for working Georgians, and put money back into the pockets of the residents of the state.

“We are fully funding K-12,” the Governor said, “and we’re giving teachers and state employees the money they deserve for doing all they did through the pandemic. We’re also going to provide refunds to taxpayers: $250 for those filing single, and $500 for a couple filing jointly.”

And there was more good news from the Governor regarding finances.

“You don’t hardly ever hear this from government, but because we budgeted conservatively in the past, we have more money than we need so we’re going to give it back to the tune of  almost $1 billion. That’s the way government should work!”

Gov. Kemp also stands staunchly on funding law enforcement in the state.

“As long as I’m governor, this state will not defund the police,” he said. “And another thing: I campaigned on this four years ago, and I plan to give income tax breaks to the men and women retirees who live in our state. We want them to continue to live and work a second career in Georgia, but most importantly, we want to show them we appreciate what they’ve done.”

As the incumbent Governor, Kemp will face fellow republicans Catherine Davis, David Perdue, Kandiss Taylor and Tom Smith in the primary. Stacey Abrams qualified as the lone Democrat in the gubernatorial election and will face the winner of the May 24th primary in November.

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