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Since they were installed, the cameras in school zones in the City of Vidalia have been a matter of contention for some, but the City has made adjustments and made its final decision on what to expect in the future and how to avoid getting a surprise citation in the mail.

City Manager Nick Overstreet issued a press release recently, stating, "The City of Vidalia is adjusting the times when automated photo enforcement of speeding in the JD Dickerson, JR Trippe, and Vidalia High School school zones occurs beginning on November 30th. The new enforcement times will consist of the following:

JD Dickerson – The school day begins at 7:40AM. Citations will only be issued from 7:25AM until 8:25AM while school is in session. The school day ends at 2:20PM. Citations will only be issued from 1:50PM until 2:50PM while school is in session. The speed during both enforcement times is 25MPH. A citation will be issued if a vehicle is traveling at a rate of speed of 36MPH or higher.

JR Trippe – The school day begins at 8:00AM. Citations will only be issued from 7:45AM until 8:45AM while school is in session. The school day ends at 3:05PM. Citations will only be issued from 2:35PM until 3:35PM while school is in session. The speed during both enforcement times is 35MPH. A citation will be issued if a vehicle is traveling at a rate of speed of 46MPH or higher.

Vidalia High School – The school day begins at 8:05AM. Citations will only be issued from 7:50AM until 8:50AM while school is in session. The school day ends at 3:18PM. Citations will only be issued from 2:48PM until 3:48PM while school is in session. The speed during both enforcement times is 35MPH. A citation will be issued if a vehicle is traveling at a rate of speed of 46MPH or higher.

The City of Vidalia is currently working with the Georgia Department of Transportation in an effort to align the flashing signal at each school with the times citations are issued. The adjustment of the flashing signal will take place over the next couple of weeks.

If you previously received a notice of a violation in a school zone through Monday, November 23, 2020, please make the proper arrangements to remit payment. Citations issued through Monday, November 23, 2020, will not be canceled, voided, and/or reversed.  The City of Vidalia’s number one priority is to keep our children safe. Please drive a safe speed at all times."

City Manager Overstreet said while the cameras only activate information on your vehicle to generate a ticket if you're going 11 miles per hour over the speed limit in a school zone, a uniformed officer still has the authority to issue a citation if he or she stops you in a zone at any amount of speed over the limit.

The speed limits in school zones are set by the Georgia Department of Transportation and NOT by the City of Vidalia, the schools or the Vidalia Police Department.

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